In a shocking development, the entire membership of the Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)
was dismissed Friday night (February 23) via email. In the generic and unsigned email, SEAP members
were thanked for their service on the panel and informed “we may be moving in a different direction
with the seat you have held”.
Advocates across the state have been sounding the alarm since this unprecedented move unfolded,
citing concerns the panel may be restructured to fit the agenda of the Board of Elementary and
Secondary Education (BESE) and not the needs of students with disabilities. This dismissal has left the
state without a federally required functioning advisory panel responsible for advising the State special
education staff regarding the education of eligible children with disabilities.
Advocates are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions about this move and attend BESE’s
Academic Goals and Instructions committee meeting next Tuesday!
More information about this issue can also be found in the Additional Information below.
How to Take Action
1. Email or call your BESE member and the at-large BESE members before the Board committees
begin meeting on Tuesday, March 5th.
2. Email the Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Cade Brumley, who is responsible
for appointing SEAP members, at
3. Attend Yellow Shirt Day and share your thoughts before the Academic Goals and Instructions
Committee (Agenda).
With your comments, please include your name, address, phone number, email address and the issue
you are addressing. If you plan to attend Yellow Shirt Day, need help preparing your testimony, need
a yellow shirt or want to find out about carpooling options, contact your LaCAN Leader.
The meetings will be live streamed on BESE’s website and their YouTube Channel.
Click here for Additional Information
2356 Drusilla Lane,
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Phone: 225-216-7474
Toll Free: 1-866-216-7474 Fax: 225-216-7977